Who me?


Hello! I’m so glad you decided to stop by.

I’m not a huge fan of talking about myself but I love talking about my work. Be sure to stop in the “Why” section of my site. It’s my favorite page. If you must know something about me, though, I guess I can share a bit.

I, like most artists, started finding myself in art as a young child. What began as doodles on notebooks and illustrations for classmates grew into a career of creating art to enjoy with people. The road I took to get to where I am was not the easiest or most direct route but the scenery taught me so much about my work, my art, and myself.

I study and practice many disciplines in the creative field but primarily work as an animator and freelance mural artist. There’s something about visual storytelling that warms my heart and keeps me sane.

That’s enough about me. I’d love to hear about you! Reach out anytime and let’s get tacos.

Art isn’t paint. It’s love.


2019 - 2x Student ADDY Winner (Nashville)
2021 - Married my best friend, Nick Busbee.
2020, 2021 - Raised $1,400 for the NWA Children’s Shelter through Project Nice List.

Reach Out

I’d love to hear from you. Did you see I mentioned tacos? Don’t worry, I’m not using you as an excuse to get tacos. But, I mean, I wouldn’t be mad at you if you were. Tacos are basically my primary love language.