2019 Student ADDY Awards

My undergrad experience wasn’t ideal but there were a lot of great moments. The 2019 Student ADDY Awards were one of those moments. I won 2 Silver ADDYs and was the only Graphic Design student from my college to win. I had volunteered to assist the ADDYs the prior year and was excited to just be a part of it.

“We Are Choking…” is a campaign inspired by the danger of micro-plastics in the beauty industry and how they affect wildlife in the ocean. The campaign should feel uncomfortable. In real life, the mirrors in their mouths would be replaced with actual mirrors so the observer is put directly into the campaign. It showcases the tough fact that WE are the problem. It also highlights the opposite - we are also the solution.

The second award I received was for this single poster promoting mental health awareness in regards to suicide.

The struggle with mental health and suicide is an issue that hits close to home for so many people. It’s not a light subject and it is also uncomfortable but it’s a conversation that needs to be had. Suicide isn’t black and white and neither is mental health. There are gray areas that contribute to the problem.


Quarantine Comics


City of Tahlequah